Portfolio Assignment Requirement

ENC 1101- Introduction to Writing Studies calls you to develop your own online portfolio. The function of this portfolio is to showcase the work you have done for ENC 1101 focusing on product presentation, process, and reflection. You should set up a blogger account and develop an overall theme for the portfolio. All of the major assignments for the semester should be included in the portfolio in addition to reflections about your process and rationale for each piece. You may also want to include some smaller assignments as well, such as reading response postings or some free-writing you did to prepare for an assignment.  If you produce digital communication for this course, for example a video blog or a Prezi, the file should either be imbedded in your blogger page or it should be accessible through a link.

You have a lot of freedom and creative license for how you design your final portfolio. Putting your own design stamp on your project is important, and visual rhetoric is welcome.

You should engage in developing your portfolio as the semester progresses, and we will discuss the overall tenants of the portfolio as the term progresses. Examples of student portfolios forthcoming.

Blog outline
The blog must have several pages and should contain all of the major assignments you have done throughout the semester. The front page of your portfolio should be your final course reflection. You should give this reflection a title that makes sense as a title for your entire portfolio.


A Few Notes on the Construction of this Portfolio 
Use this helpful guide to help you to construct your portfolio. A few pointers to keep in mind before you begin:
  1. Remember to make sure the title of the blog includes your full name.
  2. Be sure to link to your blog in the assignment blog created for the final portfolio in our course blog. This way I will be able to easily link to your blog.
  3. Remember to clearly label which drafts are final. Be sure everything is in the right place.
  4. This is a blog, so take advantage of that form. Feel free to use pictures, links, or videos to help you make your point. You can also play with the look and feel of the blog if you like, but please keep individual sections that are listed below.
  5. As always, if you have any questions, email Professor Longhany at Joseph.Longhany@ucf.edu
What to Include on this Main Reflection Page
Put your overall reflection on your work this semester here. It should be as long as it takes to fully explain and reflect on your work, but you should plan to write several paragraphs at a minimum. Consider the following:
  • How has your understanding of writing and yourself as a writer changed (or not changed) throughout the semester?
  • What are your current views on your ability to write for different audiences and situations? Be honest. What do you think you've learned? What do you still need to work on?
  • How will you use any of the skills we practiced, concepts we discussed, or research we conducted in the future? What ideas from this class do you think will be useful to you? How so?

Remember that this isn’t the place for wishy-washy sentimentality or purely abstract discussion; instead, use the actual writing you’ve completed (big or small, for this class or somewhere else entirely) and discussion of the writing process you’ve engaged in as evidence for a compelling argument about where your writing’s been, where it’s gone this semester, and where you think it will go in the future.

This is your chance to sell me on your work and development as a writer throughout the course of the semester. Don’t use this as an opportunity to simply brownnose (“Dear Professor Longhany, your class changed my life!”). It’s transparent and a bit offensive. Instead, this is an essay where careful and thoughtful analysis is valued. This analysis should be supported by specific evidence. Show me that you understand and can apply everything we’ve talked about this semester.

After creating your main page, you have to create other pages for all of the major assignments of the term. Each page should have a title and should follow a similar format to all the other pages.
What to include in the Literacy Narrative Reflection Page
Put your reflection on the Literacy Narrative here. It should be as long as it takes to fully explain and reflect on your work, but you should plan to write several paragraphs at a minimum. Consider the following.

  • Explain your process for writing this piece. Where did you begin? What made this assignment hard or easy for you? What difficulties did you encounter? How successful were you in overcoming them?
  • Consider the feedback you received in working on this assignment. What sort of feedback did you get from your peers? What sort of feedback did you get from Professor Longhany?
  • Finally, consider what terms/strategies were necessary for you to know and employ in writing this assignment. What did you have to understand while writing this litearcy narrative?
Then create a new page

 What to include in the Process Essay Reflection Page

Put your reflection on the Process Essay at the top of the new page. It should be as long as it takes to fully explain and reflect on your work, but you should plan to write several paragraphs at a minimum. Consider the following:
  • Explain your process for writing this piece. Where did you begin? What made this assignment hard or easy for you? What difficulties did you encounter? How successful were you in overcoming them?
  • Consider the feedback you received in working on this assignment. What sort of feedback did you get from your peers? What sort of feedback did you get from Professor Longhany?
  • Finally, consider what terms/strategies were necessary for you to know and employ in writing this assignment. What did you have to understand while writing this process essay?

You are required to reflect on the last two assignments, and you should follow a similar protocol to the reflections for each of the first two assignments.

Beyond having reflections for each assignment, you must also have separate link lists for each assignment. You should have four link lists (one for each assignment: Literacy Narrative, Process Essay, Construct Essay, and Digital Discourse Community Ethnography). After creating the link lists, you should upload documents to Google docs and then use those URLs to link up your drafts of each paper.


 If you have any questions as you develop your digital portfolio, please don't hesitate to contact me at Joseph.Longhany@ucf.edu


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